Pre-purchase Property Inspection Checklist: 12 Signs to Detect

Pre-purchase Property Inspection Checklist: 12 Signs to Detect

Conducting a thorough inspection is one of the most important things you can do when buying a property, whether it’s a brand-new or a second-hand home.

But not all potential buyers know how to spot a lemon.

The clue is in the name – it’s a property inspection, not a leisurely walk-through.

Don’t feel pressured to rush through your review and instead, look out for the following 12 signs that the property you’re interested in maybe a ticking time bomb:

1. Are there cracks in the walls?

Small, cosmetic cracks can be easily repaired, but if you spot several large cracks more than 2mm wide you should be concerned enough to investigate further.

These could indicate structural problems, which could cost you thousands to rectify.

2. Is there water damage or mould?

Spend adequate time checking out the wet areas – not just admiring decorative tiles, but really inspecting to see if there’s evidence of water damage, mould, or corrosion.

Be sure to look up at the roof and corners of the room, as well as inside cabinets and around pipes and sinks.

Rising dampness is another worrying problem, and often presents with a mouldy, mildew-esque aroma, so use all your senses when inspecting the home.

3. Don’t forget the ceiling

You can use a torch to check for defects in the ceiling.

Shining it upward should reveal any sagging, which could point to a roof leak.

The last thing you want is the plasterboard to come crashing down on you or your tenants while reading the Sunday paper, so don’t skip this vital step.


4. Venture out and up – check the gutters and downpipes

Old, faulty gutters can cause huge amounts of damage to the property.

You should check not only that the gutters are sturdy, but also look for any signs of rust.

While you’re there, ensure that all the downpipes are working properly and that they’re directed into stormwater soak wells, not pooling on the ground.

Replacing or installing these is quite expensive, so look for signs of prior flooding in the area.

5. Turn on the taps

Turn on the taps in each room to check the water pressure and drainage.

Look out for murky-coloured water, which could indicate a pipe issue, and drips when you turn the faucet back off.

Plumbing work isn’t cheap, and it’s not the kind of job you can DIY, so steer clear of properties with problems in these areas.

6. Look for cosmetic cracks, uneven steps, and sticky doors

All of these can be indicators that the property is on the move – and that’s not what you want.

Conducting a thorough inspection is one of the most important things you can do when buying a property, whether it’s a brand-new or a second-hand home. But not all potential buyers know how to spot a lemon. The clue is in the name – it’s a property inspection, not a leisurely walk-through. Don’t feel pressured…

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