How to stop a fear of change holding you back

How to stop a fear of change holding you back

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my many years of business, it’s that change is the one constant.

Just when you think things are settled, something will happen to upset the apple cart.

Investors and entrepreneurs may think this is only happening to them, and that it’s their bad luck.

It’s not.

It’s the way of the world, and it happens to all of us.

The sooner you get used to change as a normal state of affairs and learn how to adapt to it, the more successful you’ll be.

The problem is, we get stuck in routines.

We like things to be a certain way.

In fact, we rely on things being a certain way.

But if you want to be successful you’ll need to learn the true meaning of the word “agile”.

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Note: Agile has nothing to do with making bold business decisions or changing jobs.

That part’s easy — it means coping when things don’t go to plan.

And trust me, things often don’t go to plan, but that doesn’t mean we need to stress or quit what we’re doing.

If you struggle to adapt to new situations, then here are a few tips that can make a big difference in your life.

1. Positive self-talk

Instead of immediately assuming the worst when something big happens, maybe stop to consider the positives.

Sure, something has changed, but not necessarily for the worse.

Maybe this is an opportunity?

If there is no positive to be found then try another tack.

Tell yourself that everything passes in time, and that nothing stays the same.

Just as a change has blown in to rattle your world, it will be blown away by something else later.

2. Seek advice

Part of the reason people fear change is that they were never taught how to embrace it.

Their parents may have been very fearful and emphasised stability and security over innovation and experimentation.

As children, we pick up these values and they shape how we react to change. But the fear can be un-learned so to speak.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my many years of business, it’s that change is the one constant. Just when you think things are settled, something will happen to upset the apple cart. Investors and entrepreneurs may think this is only happening to them, and that it’s their bad luck. It’s not. It’s the…

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