Do You Have Mutuality In Your Relationships?

During the pandemic, I moved from NYC to my hometown of Vancouver, Canada. I was eager to reconnect with my old community of friends once restrictions lifted. I’d coordinate dinners, host people in my home, and was the one who’d initiate plans. For a while, I shrugged, Oh, they’re busy. They have kids so it’s too hard for…

5 Signs You’re Being Love Bombed By Your Partner

It was straight out of a fairy tale. Flowers. Fancy dinners. Proclamations of how special our connection was. I was on cloud nine. Sold. I’m in. All in. Until the messages were less frequent. Then the effort to make plans started to wane. I found myself crawling out of my skin, waiting with bated breath…

I Tried Ketamine Therapy, This is What Happened

I unlocked the secret codes of life, connected to my partner’s soul, and jumped dimensions alongside a teenage mutant ninja turtle, all in 57 minutes. It sounds like a scene from an incoherent sci-fi movie, but no, it was what I experienced during my first time trying ketamine therapy. And it might have just shifted…

The Not-To-Do List that will Change your Dating Life

Think about this for a moment: What if, when it comes to dating, what you don’t do matters more than anything else? Let’s say you want to get into shape and adopt a healthier lifestyle. To achieve this you not only need to workout regularly (To-do List), you also need to cut junk food off…

The 5 Types of Cheaters and Why They Choose Infidelity

Can you Spot a Cheater? Apparently, there are 5 types of cheaters and very specific reasons why they stray. But first, let’s dig into a recent celebrity cheating scandal. A match made in Victoria’s Secret heaven? It seemed like Behati tamed the rockstar Adam Levine, who had once joked “I’ll never get married” during an interview on The Tonight Show.  On the…

Holiday Etiquette: 7 Tips on the Not to Do List

I remember so clearly a dinner party I hosted where a newer friend showed up two hours late with two uninvited guests in tow. To make matters worse, they didn’t bring anything to contribute to the party. Needless to say, I never invited her to another party. I doubt she was ill-intentioned, rather, she was…

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