Is Poverty Your Fault?

A well-known study, conducted in 2013 by PEW Charitable Trusts, found that 70% of those born and raised in poverty, remain poor as adults. This “cycle of poverty” continues generation after generation. This data flies in the face of the notion that, at least in America, anyone can become financially successful so long as they…

New $450m scheme to provide essential workers with subsidised Sydney rent

Key takeaways The Minns government will build apartment blocks for Sydney’s essential workers, offering them cheap rent so they are not priced out of the city. Essential workers, including nurses, paramedics, teachers, allied health care workers, police officers and firefighters, are set to benefit from the BTR scheme. The funding will enable Landcom to acquire…

The Biggest Property Mistake Millennials are Making 

Millennials who delay buying their first home are putting themselves at huge risk of being long-term renters. But complaining about a lack of affordability isn’t going to get them anywhere; instead, they need to start to turn attitude into action. The fact is: that the number of first-home buyers is dwindling. This is a massive…

More hidden taxes for property owners revealed

Key takeaways The NSW Government is planning to increase property owners’ insurance costs by shifting the cost of the Emergency Service Levy (ESL) onto them, and increasing surcharges for foreign purchasers, raising the surcharge land tax, and freezing the land tax threshold. The Government’s solution to the state’s economic woes is to transfer the increased…

Pre-purchase Property Inspection Checklist: 12 Signs to Detect

Conducting a thorough inspection is one of the most important things you can do when buying a property, whether it’s a brand-new or a second-hand home. But not all potential buyers know how to spot a lemon. The clue is in the name – it’s a property inspection, not a leisurely walk-through. Don’t feel pressured…

Property Development Process Visualised

Property Development involves a wide range of activities and processes from purchasing land, building and developing high-rise apartment buildings and everything in between. In order to be successful, you’ll need to educate yourself on property, the markets, economics, finance, town planning, the construction processes and the marketing of real estate projects. Sound like a lot of…

Here’s something you must understand if you want to grow

Are you waiting for things to change? Maybe you’re waiting for things to change so you can be happy or you’re waiting for things to change so you can finally take action on some of your ambitions. Maybe you’re wanting your business or professional practice to step up to the next level or you’re waiting…

The Great Wealth Transfer: A Boom for Some, a Challenge for All

We are currently witnessing what could be described as the greatest wealth transfer in modern history. As the baby boomer generation begins to age, a massive amount of wealth is being transferred to the subsequent generations. Over the next decade, this generation, who rode a wave of economic prosperity for decades, is forecast to pass…

10 Inspirational Quotes From Jim Rohn

The late Jim Rohn was a gifted storyteller with dynamic delivery and thought-provoking substance. His philosophy was an important influence on me as I was growing my wealth and business so today I’d like to share a collection of his quotes: 1. “To become financially independent you must turn part of your income into capital; turn…

7 money tips to super charge your finances

Key takeaways It’s really a combination of our mindset, habits, and behaviours that rule our financial destiny. Let’s look at 7 tips that could make you rich: 1. If you are born poor it’s not your fault, but if you die poor it’s your mistake 2. Don’t follow the herd 3. You should know how…

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