The Great Online Adventure Of Expeditionary Learning

The Concept Of Expeditionary Learning Think about the excitement of students starting a learning adventure, where every lesson is like a trip and every challenge is seen as an opportunity for discovery. This is the essence of expeditionary learning. But what does it really mean? Expeditionary learning involves students diving deep into their subjects by…

Top Strategies For Effective eLearning Application Development

eLearning Application Development 101 The landscape of learning is undergoing a digital revolution. Gone are the days of dusty textbooks and monotonous lectures. eLearning application development is emerging as a powerful tool, transforming how knowledge is acquired, and skills are developed. However, building an effective eLearning app requires more than just cramming information onto a…

Attract And Retain Training Business Customers

Innovative Ways To Attract And Retain Training Business Customers From rethinking the way you deliver your product to teaming up with external content partners, this guide features real-world examples for attracting new training business customers and achieving higher profitability. Best of all, tried-and-tested techniques have already been implemented by Thought Industries’ customers to gain a…

Gen AI: Rethinking Innovation And Efficiency In The Workplace

Generative AI: Rethinking Innovation As a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience in the Learning and Development (L&D) area, I have had the honor of seeing firsthand how several technology breakthroughs have changed the nature of work. One such development that stands out as a revolutionary force today is generative Artificial Intelligence…

AI And Gamification: Winning The eLearning Engagement Game

Is AI And Gamification A Winning eLearning Combination? In recent years, gamification has seen a surge in popularity, and rightfully so. What better way to motivate your learners and provide discreet feedback than to leverage badges, levels, and leaderboards? However, a certain emerging technology can make your strategy even more impactful. This guide highlights why AI…

Guide On Effective Change Management In Remote Organizations

Remote Organizations And Effective Change Management In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, change management has become an essential component for maintaining competitiveness and efficiency. This is especially true for remote organizations, where the lack of physical presence poses unique challenges. Effective change management in remote settings requires a deep understanding of organizational dynamics,…

Onboarding Vs. Training: The Differences And Importance

The Key Objectives Of Onboarding Vs. Training Any successful onboarding process aims to create a great first impression on the new hires so you can retain top talent in the long run. One of the main objectives of this procedure is to motivate employees by making daily tasks simple and slowly encouraging them to bring…

YouTube Video Ideas And How To Create A YouTube Channel

Why Creating A YouTube Channel And Sharing Videos Is Essential The average attention span has decreased a lot in recent years. This means that your potential customers don’t have the time or patience to read a 1,000-word article about your business. However, with the popularity of videos growing immensely in the last few years, they’ll…

SaaS Onboarding Best Practices For 2024 (And Checklist)

What Is SaaS Onboarding? SaaS, also known as Software as a Service, has completely transformed the way we utilize and access software. Gone are the days of purchasing, installing, and maintaining software on your own servers. With SaaS, everything is delivered seamlessly over the internet. All you need to do is subscribe and log in,…

How eLearning Mobile Apps Are Revolutionizing Education

The Impact Of Mobile Apps On eLearning Mobile apps are reshaping the landscape of eLearning, transforming not just access to educational content but also fundamentally altering how we learn and teach. Beyond convenience, mobile apps are catalysts for innovation in education. They empower educators to create interactive, personalized learning experiences catering to diverse learning styles.…

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