How to Avoid Ruining SEO During a Website Redesign

It’s too easy to break your SEO during a website redesign. Here’s a foretaste of what can go wrong: Loss of rankings and traffic. Loses of link equity. Broken pages. Sluggish page loading. Bad mobile experience. Broken internal links. Duplicate content. For example, this site deleted about 15% of organic pages (yellow line) during the redesign,…

There’s No Such Thing as “Accurate” Search Volume

I often post my favorite new Ahrefs features on X. And last time I announced our newest addition to Keywords Explorer, someone replied with this: I mean it is good for seasonal keywords but to be honest it would be great if the search volume in general would be more accurate… — Kim von Däniken (@KimvonDaniken)…

100 Blog Post Ideas to Get Traffic

It’s easy to come up with blog post ideas, but writing about random topics won’t get you traffic to your blog. You need to write about topics with traffic potential. How to find blog post ideas with traffic potential The proverb goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a…

Yes. Affiliate Marketing Is Legit. But Is It Worth Your Time?

Affiliate marketing is where you promote another company’s product or service in exchange for a commission. When people click your link and buy the product or service, you make money. It is absolutely not a scam. It is legal, as long as you comply with relevant laws and regulations in your country. For example, here are FTC’s…

How to Get SEO Buy-In: 7 Actionable Tips

For many SEOs in agency, in-house, or enterprise roles, 20% of their job is actually doing SEO, the other 80% is about soft skills like getting buy-in. I always say that 20% of my job is actually doing the SEO, and 80% of communicating, getting buy-in, and moving the boulder so that [stakeholders] can succeed…

10 Completely Free SEO Training Courses

Learning SEO doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of quality free SEO courses teaching everything from the basics to keyword research to link building. Here are ten that won’t cost a dime. 1. SEO Course for Beginners Course provider: Ahrefs Duration: 2 hours Instructor(s): Sam Oh Level: Beginner Link: SEO Course for Beginners What you’ll…

SEOs, Are You Using These 6 Mental Models?

People use mental models to comprehend reality, solve problems, and make decisions in everyday life. SEO is not an exception here, yet it’s not a topic you often hear about in this industry. The thing is, you need to be careful with mental models because they’re sneaky. We tend to develop them during our lives,…

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