Best Morgan Housel quotes for better finances this new year

Best Morgan Housel quotes for better finances this new year

We have reached a New Year again!

And what better way to start than to have financial lessons from Morgan Housel author of the Psychology of Money and whose blogs regularly appear on the Collaborative Fund.

So, here are 13 of his best quotes to set your financial success this year:

1. Everyone is making a bet on an unknown future. It’s only called speculation when you disagree with someone else’s bet.

2. There are two types of information: stuff you’ll still care about in the future, and stuff that matters less and less over time. Long-term vs. expiring knowledge. It’s critical to identify which is which when you come across something new.

3. Most financial mistakes come when you try to force things to happen faster than is required. Compounding doesn’t like when you try to use a cheat code.

4. Risk is what you can’t see, think only happens to other people, aren’t paying attention to, are wilfully ignoring, and isn’t in the news. A little surprise usually does more damage than something big that’s been in the news for months.

5. Risk management is less about how you respond to risk and more about recognizing how many things can go wrong before they actually do.

6. Emotions can override any level of intelligence.


We have reached a New Year again! And what better way to start than to have financial lessons from Morgan Housel author of the Psychology of Money and whose blogs regularly appear on the Collaborative Fund. So, here are 13 of his best quotes to set your financial success this year: 1. Everyone is making a…

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