A Summer Without Headlines: The 90-Day Challenge

A Summer Without Headlines: The 90-Day Challenge

Did you read, listen, or watch the news in the last year?

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Note: Any one of these items, let alone all of them together, might keep you up at night.

But they shouldn’t.

Because — repeat after me — you can’t do anything about any of them.

Go on a media fast

These events, and others like them, are completely out of our individual control.

However, that won’t stop the 24/7 news channels from trying to convince us otherwise.

That’s why I’m suggesting something sort of radical for this summer:

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Tips: Go on a media fast!

Specifically, I want you to ignore the top headlines and the breaking news for the next 90 days.  

If you want to read something interesting, I suggest you get started on this in-depth article about computer code.

If you want a lengthier read, go to your library and check out a few of these books.

If you’re feeling really crazy, go outside.

Play with your kids.

Go on a hike.

Spend time with your significant other.

But whatever you do, avoid anything that’s “trending” for the next 90 days.

For some of you, I know this fast will be really difficult.

You soak in the news like a sponge.

Did you read, listen, or watch the news in the last year? Note: Any one of these items, let alone all of them together, might keep you up at night. But they shouldn’t. Because — repeat after me — you can’t do anything about any of them. Go on a media fast These events, and…

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