a necessity to meet Government housing goals

a necessity to meet Government housing goals

The Housing Industry Association (HIA), has highlighted a significant challenge in meeting the Australian Government’s ambitious goal to construct 1.2 million homes over the next five years.

According to HIA’s latest Economic and Industry Outlook report, the rate of apartment construction needs to double from current levels.

However, capacity constraints are expected to keep apartment commencements at exceptionally low levels for at least another year.

Tim Reardon, Chief Economist at the Housing Industry Association (HIA) added, “With the current policy framework, it could take upwards of six years to build the 1.2 million homes targeted.”

Since 2016, the volume of multi-unit commencements has plummeted to nearly half, exacerbated by investor taxes.

Recent years have seen further constraints due to labour and material shortages and rising costs.

These issues are anticipated to persist into the next year, impacting high-rise apartment projects significantly.

Many such projects are shelved, facing delays due to the need for refinancing, reapproval, and escalating construction costs linked to changes in the National Construction Code.

This shortfall in construction activity is expected to lead to extremely low rental vacancy rates and a significant increase in rental prices in the coming years.

Intense competition for construction inputs from other sectors, including non-residential construction and mining, compounded by ongoing public infrastructure projects, is further crowding out homebuilding, particularly in the high-rise sector.

The Housing Industry Association (HIA), has highlighted a significant challenge in meeting the Australian Government’s ambitious goal to construct 1.2 million homes over the next five years. According to HIA’s latest Economic and Industry Outlook report, the rate of apartment construction needs to double from current levels. However, capacity constraints are expected to keep apartment…

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