14 Life Changing Resolutions for the New Year

14 Life Changing Resolutions for the New Year

If you want to change your life, you must change your habits.

Below I share some of the key habits to adopt for the new year along with some of the strategies to make habit change easier.

Pick the ones you want and focus on them for one year.

1. I will pursue a dream or something I am passionate about on the side that could one day reward me financially.

This year will be the year I invest in myself.

We are given this great capacity to dream. It’s hard-wired into our DNA.

Yet, somewhere along the way, we cast our dreams aside. It’s never too late to dream.

Grandma Moses began painting at age 80.

Colonel Sanders was in his early 60’s when KFC was born.

Ray Kroc was 52 when he founded McDonald’s.

The ability to pursue your dreams never dies.

You are never too old to pursue a dream.

Take an hour out of your life and script out your ideal life. In 1,000 words or less, paint a picture, with words, of the ideal, perfect life you desire.

This exercise will rejuvenate you, inspire you and help you to dream again.

Don’t let life pass you by without pursuing your dreams.

We are infinitely greater than we ever imagined.

2. I will do one thing every day that helps move me forward in achieving my goals in life and realizing my dreams.

A dream is a desired future outcome.

It is a destination.Good Habits

A goal represents some future action you intend to take.

Goals are your transportation system and dreams are your destination.

Because goals require action, you have control over whether or not you take that action and achieve your goals.

Do one thing every day that will help you move forward in realising your dreams.

3. I will commit to reading 30 minutes every day to learn more about my job, my industry or some dream I am pursuing.

Perhaps the most significant self-improvement Rich Habit I uncovered in my five-year study on the daily habits of the rich and poor concerned reading. Wealthy, successful people are voracious readers.

They devote significant time every day to reading for self-improvement.

4. I will seek to build one new relationship with a successful person.

Wealthy, successful people are very particular about who they associate with.

Their goal is to develop relationships with other success-minded individuals.

When they stumble upon someone who fits the bill, they then devote an enormous amount of their time and energy into building a strong relationship.

They grow the relationship from a sapling into a redwood.

Relationships are the currency of the wealthy and successful.

5. I will devote 20 minutes a day to developing a new skill.

Wealthy, successful people all have one thing in common: ongoing, daily self-improvement.

Each individual has a circle. Inside that circle are the things you are comfortable doing.Build Good Habits

Those things inside your circle represent your comfort zone.

Most do everything humanly possible to stay within their comfort zone.

When you do things that are outside your comfort zone and outside that circle, it causes discomfort.

But each time you engage in a new activity that causes discomfort, you expand your circle; you grow as an individual.

Stretching your circle by engaging in new activities that cause discomfort is necessary if you want to grow.

You can’t succeed in life by staying in your comfort zone.

You have to expand your circle in order to become successful in life.

You have to engage in activities that cause discomfort and this means you must experience the pain of growth.

Those who do not succeed in life, avoid doing things that cause them discomfort and pain.

As a result, they never grow into the individuals they need to become in order for success to visit them.

Start stretching your circle today. Never fear the pain of growth. It is that very pain that makes you stronger and helps you grow into the person you need to be in order for success to visit you.

6. I will commit to exercising aerobically for 20 minutes every day.

Because I know that aerobic exercise increases brain performance and will help me in my career.

Exercise has many beneficial health effects.

Aerobic exercise, in particular, increases the volume of oxygen and glucose delivered to the brain, helping nourish brain cells.

It also helps keep the weight off, improves muscle performance and improves digestion.

But, perhaps even more important, aerobic exercise has a profound effect on your mental outlook.

Studies have shown that daily aerobic exercise fosters a positive mental outlook.

If you want to change your life, you must change your habits. Below I share some of the key habits to adopt for the new year along with some of the strategies to make habit change easier. Pick the ones you want and focus on them for one year. 1. I will pursue a dream…

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